In August, SLM champions Elaine and Richard took Silver Lining mentees, mentors, and staff for an excursion in the waters off Salem, MA. It was an afternoon filled with new experiences, laughter, and only a little bit of seasickness.

Mentee Deavonie (pictured left with his mentor, Keith) had this to say about his time on the water:

“Going out to sea with SLM, the captain, and his family was a blast! Super expressive people who definitely keep you laughing. Even though I had many highlights to the day I think that having close conversations with new people out on the water was just really peaceful and neat! So being out on the water with the breathtaking view and getting closer with SLM members and new friends would be top 3 highlights of the day! Really appreciate SLM and the members of the boat community for bringing us along for the ride.”

This warm feeling was echoed by our hosts. Elaine shared, 

“For Captain Richard and me, the day on board Lady Ginger was truly inspiring thanks to the warmth and engaging conversations with the young people from SLM. We laughed, we learned, we enjoyed! Hearing about their aspirations and witnessing their resilience firsthand left a lasting impression on us. Their ability to set goals and thrive in the face of challenges continues to be a source of inspiration!”

We’re immensely grateful to Elaine and Richard for their hospitality and to everyone who joined us on this memorable day. This excursion not only provided a fun escape but also deepened our connections and reminded us of the strength and resilience within our SLM community. Together, we continue to create lasting memories and support each other on our journeys. We look forward to more adventures ahead!